Need a new Grip?
Replace your grip
In 3 simple steps -
New Grip in 3 minutes
with Golf New Grip!®
Golf New Grip
Tested by professionals
Thicker and better grip
Water resistant
Wear resistant
NO Vibration
How to apply?
Slide the
Golf New Grip
over the old grip
position and
pull out the cord
Ready to go!
Order & Pricing
One size fits all
Only €14,95
excl. shipping
Golf New Grip ®
Apply the Golf New Grip in 3 easy steps.
Just 3 easy steps
Watch the video for a demonstration.
- Place the Golf New Grip over your standard grip
- Make sure the top of the Golf New Grip is placed at the top of the old grip
- Pull the string slowly out of the Golf New Grip and it will tighten itself
- You are ready to go!
* If your order is above €85 shipping is free!
* Alle bestellingen boven €85 worden gratis verzonden!
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Wassenaarsestraat 38
2201 RD Noordwijk ZH
The Netherlands
GolfNewGrip by Lexport
Chamber of commerce : 68797540
IBAN : NL04INGB0007883623
BTW-nummer : NL 085 185 231 B03
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